
  • 记录
  • 120分钟
  • Documentary that looks at the world of the African… Documentary that looks at the world of the African driver ant, a sinister army of 20 million sisters. It thrives by ravaging the forest, killing every living thing it can pin down and slice up - a super-organism that dominates a parallel and often violent world where miniature monsters roam.在东非的一片宁静的热带山林中,一位非凡的掠食者悄然而至。它不是独行侠,而是2000万只非洲矛蚁组成的大军。它们分工明确,纪律严明,而且有着很高的战术素养。它们将建立一个新的据点,开拓新的猎场,征伐周围所有地区,涂炭生灵。它们团结一致,依靠数量制服猎物,就连蛞蝓、螃蟹这样难缠的对手也未能幸免。它们攻入农田,攀上大树,甚至入侵白蚁冢和白蚁军团展开一场生死大战。与此同时,家族的统治者——蚁后也和它的情郎完成了婚配,不断产下新的后代。面对日益增长的食物压力和逐渐匮乏的周边资源,这支大军又将作出怎样的战略调整呢……


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